In the past few months a lot of good has come out of the pandemic, while we hear reports of endangered or rarely seen animals, like large turtles returning to resorts, now that resorts are closed, there is hope that the environment has time to recover. It seems that with fewer cars on the road, and the emissions down, some people have been able to see blue skies for the first time in years, seems incredible but I guess over time those people had accepted and adapted to the lack of clear skies, the amount of pollution and saw it as normal. Now is an opportunity for us to adopt the changes we see which we have had to make, and which have been good for us. Can we maintain this change in the hope of improving the environment.? Let’s work on it. Another positive side of the past few months has also been the support of individuals towards others. Neighbours trying to link up with neighbours.” Are you Ok?” is alive and well.
I guess the bad side of all this is that all the groundwork we have made with reducing rubbish in the form of landfill has gone backwards, disposable coffee cups have returned to stave off infection, there is even talk of restaurants using disposable plates permanently, what a sad move if that has to be! Also, the number of people getting ill has been shocking, and created a sadness all over the world. Can we learn from it?
While the pandemic may have been frightening for some, distressing for others, it has changed the way we think. How we survive depends on how flexible and resilient we are just like Ben in Between Two homes being flexible and resilient paid off.
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