In Australia, all we seem to have focussed on for two or three months is the coronavirus. How it has changed so much in our lives and how routine our lives have become. Since lockdown I have enjoyed walking each day with a neighbour for 45 minutes, and walking the same route means we can almost predict what will happen, people who see us say they can set their watches by us and have commented on how much faster we are walking. As walkers, we know who we will meet also, we have got to know a lot of people and developed a friendship from a distance of 1.5 metres! Babies have been born, young kids on bikes are now riding like professionals and training wheels are being left off. What progress. Change isn’t always bad.
Change is something we all need to deal with and adapt to, whether it is the change Ben undergoes in Between Two Homes and how he copes, and the resilience he shows in the process of embracing the change or a change which occurs and we have to embrace it. Change is often for the better.
The change is amazing, and as restrictions are eased we now look at what will happen with life after Coronavirus if progress continues. Can people maintain the changes or will we revert back to what has been familiar to us? Let’s hope we can learn from what has occurred in the past few months and not just rush in to the way we used to live. It certainly seems that a lot of good can come out of it if we pause to reflect.
Whether we have a second wave depends on how people are able to adapt and change to a new set of rules.
Will we be able to keep a physical distancing strategy up? You can always count on Aussie humour Below here’s a gentle reminder.
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